Neal Avenue Project Updates: Reclamation (Paving) Begins 6am on Wed., September 20, 2023

Paving & Limited Driveway Access on Wed., 9/20/23: The contractor for the Neal Ave. Paving Improvements Project, Knife River, plans to begin reclaiming the street pavement on Wednesday, September 20th.  All vehicles must be removed from Neal Avenue by 6:00 am on Wednesday, September 20th so the contractor is able to reclaim the street pavement.  If you are unable to park in your driveway, we request that you park your vehicle on a side street (295th Ave., 297th Ave., or 299th Ave) or in the Town and County Park parking lot. If you are able to park in your driveway, please do so to limit the walking distance for your neighbors that cannot park in their driveways.  After the street pavement is reclaimed, the contractor will grade and compact the gravel surface so everyone should be able to park in their own driveway by the end of the day (approximately 6:00 pm).

Curb & Driveway Patching Update: Please continue to be very careful around newly placed curb. The curb requires a minimum of 7 days to fully cure before it can be subjected to vehicle loading. The driveway pavement that was removed to install the new curb will be patched by the end of this week. The excavated areas in the street adjacent to the new curb will remain open to prevent vehicles from driving over the concrete.

Here are some additional steps that you can take to help us make this project a success:
  • Limit trips through the construction zone as much as possible during reclamation operations and, if possible, do not drive on reclaimed roadway that has not been compacted by the contractor.  
  • If you need to leave you home during the day, please plan for extra time. You may need to wait for the construction equipment to pass your driveway before you can exit.
  • Be alert to large construction equipment operating in the area. Many of these vehicles will be backing up and will have difficulty seeing pedestrians.
  • Please accompany young children to the bus stop in the morning to provide additional supervision in the work zone.
  • Turn off your irrigation system to avoid spraying water on to the newly reclaimed roadway surface.

We understand the inconveniences this construction project may have on adjacent residents, and we appreciate your patience and understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our On-Site Construction Representative, Triston Schmalzbauer at (651) 238-7580. Thank you for your continued cooperation while we complete this important project.

For project maps and previous updates from this project, visit our Current City Projects page: